Friday, August 04, 2006

For several months I've been wrestling with starting a new blog in place of the present one, On to the Kingdom. This is the culmination of a day of frustration with my server. Unable to get into my blog to post anything, I came to the conclusion that now was the time to initiate the new blog. So here it is. It isn't yet in its completed state, but I'll be working on it in the coming days.

I'm in the midst of reading Michael Frost's book, Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture. There are some excellent reviews on the book, so I'm not going to reinvent the wheel. However, I will be referring to it.
His premise is that the true followers of Jesus are exiles, because he was the ultimate exile. He allowed himself to be exiled on planet earth. "And like all good and faithful exiles, he enters fully into life in this host empire without giving himself over to it completely." Like the Jews that were exiled in Babylon, so we are exiles in a foreign empire. Frost refers to "Old Testament scholar, Walter Brueggemann, who finds many parallels between the contemporary Christian experience of dislocation, uncertainty, and irrelevance and the experience of the Old Testament Jewish exiles in Babylon." However, the encouraging news appears in the subtitle of the first chapter, "God will rescue the exiled people."

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