Saturday, August 26, 2006

Walking on Water

That which is taking place today reminds me somewhat of the incident of Jesus walking on water. The disciples were in the boat when they saw Jesus walking on the water, though at first they were fearful, not recognizing him. But Jesus identified himself to allay their fears, whereupon Peter called out asking Jesus to bid him to come if it was really him, to which Jesus answered with one word, "Come!"
It seems that many are hearing Jesus say to them, "Come!" However, what they experience in doing so is very unsettling because they have never walked that way before. It's a whole different experience. Like Peter, they leave what they have been accustomed to, walking into something totally unfamiliar, which is frightening in and of itself. Again, not unlike Peter, when the scary and unfamiliar surroundings are noticed, we can easily become overwhelmed. Jesus rescued Peter, saying, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
If we have heard the Lord say "Come," are we still sitting in the boat? And if we have gotten out of the boat, why are we doubting if he told us to come? Are we looking back at the boat where many of our friends may be, or are we looking ahead at Jesus as we walk toward him?

I doubt all the time. I hate being so skeptical, always in need of an answer or explanation. But in some ways, it's been good. I think. I keep a close watch on this heart of mine (yes, I watched Walk The Line recently), and my doubting and trying to see my faith from other/outsiders perspective has not led me to deconstruct it. After all, it's not just my Christianity...whatever worldview a person takes will have the "problem" of faith. I acknowledge that God is so much bigger than what my small mind can figure out.
I doubt all the time. I hate being so skeptical, always in need of an answer or explanation. But in some ways, it's been good. I think. I keep a close watch on this heart of mine (yes, I watched Walk The Line recently), and my doubting and trying to see my faith from other/outsiders perspective has not led me to deconstruct it. After all, it's not just my Christianity...whatever worldview a person takes will have the "problem" of faith. I acknowledge that God is so much bigger than what my small mind can figure out.
I appreciate your vulnerability, admitting to doubting, always needing an answer or explanation. Jesus chose someone that fits that description when he chose Thomas to be one of the twelve. It was Thamas who said to the rest of the disciples, "Let us go that we may die with Him" (John 11:16). Thomas was also the one who spoke up admitting that he along with the others didn't know where Jesus was going, therefore not knowing the way either. He was open and honest in his questioning. He's gotten a bum rap because of it, when in reality he was pressing in to understand and live more deeply in the life and relationship Jesus came to impart.
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