Sunday, August 13, 2006

Yesterday Joan and I were at a wedding that was far different from any we have ever participated in.
To begin with, it was on a small, uninhabited island in the middle of a river with the only access being by boat. Being that everything was outdoors, most everyone was dressed casual, very casual. The whole bridal party was all barefoot, with the groom and his groomsmen dressed in shorts, sleeveless vests and white bow ties. The bride and her attendants were dressed more traditional. The party was happening before the ceremony even started and picked up again after the ceremony ended.
The guests ranged from one end of the spectrum to the other. There were conservative Mennonites and Seventh Day Adventists along with a free-wheeling, beer guzzling crowd plus all those between the two extremes. Everyone enjoyed themselves.
I was reminded of Jesus and how he loved parties like this, with everyone imaginable. He showed no partiality, equally comfortable with the wild partyers as well as the more conservative religious.
If we are being conformed to the image of Christ, than we, his church, should be coming into greater freedom and ability to associate with whoever God brings across our paths. As we allow him to live his life through us, I believe we'll get the same response as Jesus did in the days of his flesh. People, especially sinners, loved being with him, along with those who were truly seeking to walk in loving obedience with God. As we are fully submitted to let him live his life through us, people will be drawn to us, not realizing that it's Jesus in us that they are really drawn to.

Well I like throwing parties too. I'm willing to invite the lame, the blind, the poor and needy(:-)
You're right in step with Jesus as he says this very thing in Luke 14:13-24.
Y'know Amy and I struggled with our recent (somewhat) big party...we who don't drink having "booze" at our own party, for many of our friends and (mostly) family who do. We hoped to make them feel welcomed and hopefully to know that we stand for Christ alone, without strangling legalism. We prayed. There was no alcohol-associated ugliness or problems whatsoever. Some drank, many didn't. Reminded me exactly of what you wrote about. The "maker" of this home and the atmosphere was apparrent, I think.

And thanks for coming, Carman!

To paraphrase CS Lewis "One sign of a bad man is that he insists that what's wrong for him is always wrong for everyone else."
Oh, and the "religious" comment in the previous post was SUPPOSED to be a joke.

For another (sort of) joke of an article for the Scripturally-in-tune, check out...

shameless plug
I thooughly enjoyed myself at your party. You're right, the atmosphere of the party transcended personal convictions and traditions. The tone was set by you and Amy, Christ in you, the hope of glory.
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