Monday, October 02, 2006
The Temple of God
The Scriptures are clear in stating that God doesn't dwell in temples made with human hands. His is a living temple in which he dwells amongst the people. He did this first through the Lord Jesus, who said to his disciples, "He who has seen me has seen the Father" (John14:9). Now he dwells in the temple which is the spiritual body of the Lord Jesus, those who have chosen to follow him as Lord and Savior.
Those of us who have surrendered our lives to him must walk in the understanding that we are the dwelling place of God in this world, carrying his presence with and in us. Being that we are his temple, we do not go to a temple to worship, for the worship comes forth from within us. Jesus declared that the true worshippers do not have to go to a given place to worship, for they are the temple where true worship takes place. The need to go to a specific place to worship is Old Covenant at best and religion and idolatry at worst.
As the temple of God, we carry the presence of God within. Therefore worship is continually taking place if we are living our lives to glorify God, presenting our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable unto God, which is our spiritual service of worship (Romans 12:1).
Those of us who have surrendered our lives to him must walk in the understanding that we are the dwelling place of God in this world, carrying his presence with and in us. Being that we are his temple, we do not go to a temple to worship, for the worship comes forth from within us. Jesus declared that the true worshippers do not have to go to a given place to worship, for they are the temple where true worship takes place. The need to go to a specific place to worship is Old Covenant at best and religion and idolatry at worst.
As the temple of God, we carry the presence of God within. Therefore worship is continually taking place if we are living our lives to glorify God, presenting our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable unto God, which is our spiritual service of worship (Romans 12:1).